on Pesticides.
with robust oversight and
innovative solutions.
About Us
Our History and Our Goals

Our Foundation and Guiding Principles
A model institution in pesticide control and management.
Pesticide Registration and Licensing
Pesticide registration is a highly technical task involving evaluating the pesticide efficacy, chemistry, and associated human and environmental risks. This ensures that pesticides used in the country are safe and efficacious. Registration involves the approval of a pesticide for distribution and use in the country if dossier information meets the set standards with respect to efficacy, human and animal health, and the environment. The Board publishes a list of registered pesticides on a biannual basis.
The Board licenses all manufacturing, sales, storage, and commercial pesticide applicators, including pesticide disposal operators, to ensure sanity in the pesticide industry. It also regulates the import and export of pesticides through the issuance of permits.
Pesticide Health Risks Awareness Campaign
Regular information dissemination and training is an essential aspect of sound pesticide management, without which registration, licensing, inspection, and enforcement do not have a solid basis. A key constraint to ensuring judicious use of pesticides, recognized by most stakeholders, is the lack of awareness and knowledge of the general public about the risks associated with the use of pesticides. This leads to abuse of pesticides, risky handling practices, and re-use of empty pesticide containers, among other harmful practices.
Education and training of pesticide retailers, commercial applicators, and users, as well as of the general public, are key in effective pesticide lifecycle management and in ensuring the protection of human and animal life and the environment.
PCB is, therefore, implementing an information, awareness, and education program on pesticide risk reduction. This includes various media platforms and other ways of reaching and influencing the public.
To regulate pesticides life cycle through registration, issuance of permits, licences and enforcement in order to protect human and animal life and the environment.
Currently, PCB conducts periodic checks of the quality of pesticides being distributed and marketed in the country through outsourcing. However, efforts are advancing to set up in–house facilities.
Equality and integrity
The Board will endeavor to carry out its business to all clients without biasness by demonstrating honesty, fairness, equity, gender balance and impartiality in its delivery of services
The PCB will operate within the legal set-up provided for the management of pesticide lifecycle in Malawi.
Transparency and accountability
PCB shall exercise transparency in decision-making and provide interested parties access to the information used to arrive at its decisions while also
PCB will act in a professional manner to keep as confidential the information from clients that would substantially prejudice legitimate interests
Right of appeal
All clients have the right of appeal following the laid-out procedures against any decision taken by PCB if they are not satisfied.
Monitoring and Enforcement
(1) To reduce risks associated with pesticides through enhanced pesticides registration and licensing
(2) To strengthen monitoring of entry and circulation of pesticides and enforcement of legislation.
(3) To ascertain the quality of pesticides entering and circulating in Malawi
(4) To evolve the PCB into effective and sustainable statutory cooperation
In the corporate world, corporate services are cross-cutting and support all functional areas of a business. The objective of corporate services in PCB is to ensure that the overall administration and governance is in line with the relevant acts, policies, and regulations. Corporate services comprise administration, human resources, finance, legal, ICT, internal audit, and procurement, amongst others. It is also responsible for mainstreaming cross-cutting issues.
Our Specialized Services

(a) application or renewal fees K50,000.00
(b) procfessing of application K800,000.00
(c) on issuance of certificate K200,000.00
(d) on renewal of certificate K600,000.00

Processing of import or export permit application fees for a consignment of--
(a) up to 5000kg/l K100,000.00
(b) 5001 up to 30,000kg/l kg per consignment K200,000.00

shop inspections
(a) site inspection
(i) Visits to manufacturers K80,000.00
(ii) Visits to packaging facilities K700,000.00
(b) shop inspections
(i) inspection k20,000.00
(ii) suitability of premises k35,000.00